Hardland W. Mulya, Kasmiruddin '


The purpose of this study is to analyze the performanceof employees at the Regional Employment Board of Siak Sri Indrapura. Formulation in the form ofresearch data and information that will be collected through questionnaires, interviews andobservations at the time of pre-survey basis to describe the type of descriptive survey, whichexplain or describe the real situation in the field related to employee performance. The resultsshowed that the performance of the employee has not been good because of several factors that ledto the slow performance of the employee. Assessment process sometimes does not run properly,which is the bottleneck of the usual power ratings. A leader in the office is more concerned withpower may not be able to do the judging of the employees supervisor, an employee is also not yetfully understand the job and there is a lack of sense of responsibility that has been given to herwork. Seriousness of the employee of the results of his work are still considered less so can a goodresponse because of the leadership is still lacking direction and input that can motivate employees.

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