Nurtania ', Abdul Sadad


This research is conducted to find out how bigthe expectations andperformance of the infrastructure, facilities, teachers, staff, curriculum andguardianorder. Research data were collected through interviews using a questionnaire. Respondentsin thisstudy taken as many as 82 students of SMK Dharma LokaPekanbaru based accidental randomsampling method, andsubsequently, the collected data were analyzed by using thetechnique ofImportance Performance Analysis (IPA), multiple regression, t-test, and F-test. The results of thisstudy indicate that of the 36 indicators that are analyzed then there are five indicators included in thequadrant A, 13 indicators are included in quadrant B, 10 indicators in quadrant C, and seven indicatorsincluded in quadrant D. The result of based on multiple regression, t-test, and F-test shows thatsimultaneous variables of service quality factors have significant effect to service quality which is0.933 or 93.3 percent with significance level of 0.000. While partially, the effect of service quality factorsis as follows : infrastructure has no significant effect to service quality with beta coefficient of 1.957,facilities has no significant effect to service quality with beta coefficient of 0.246, teachers variable hassignificant effect to service quality with beta coefficient of 4.425 where the teacher variable has thedominant effect to service quality, Staff variable has significant effect to service quality with betacoefficient 3.697, curriculum has no significant effect to service quality with beta coefficient of 0.448,and guardianorder variable has no significant effect to service quality with beta coefficient of 0.073.

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