Lia Daniati, Lena Farida


This study aims to determinethe administrative management including accounting, inventory, reporting, maintenance, andoperational security official vehicles Siak. This study used a qualitative approach to data analysis(1) data reduction, (2) the presentation of the data, (3) draw conclusions and verification. Based onthe findings indicate a misuse of official vehicles of operational vehicles for private purposes inother words are used not for the benefit of the department. The administration is not optimal eitherof bookkeeping, inventory which includes recording and reporting as there are vehicles that havenot been recorded in the administration in real terms when the vehicle there. The occurrence of thisis due to the procurement of vehicle registration by the General Section, Personnel, and Equipmentis not applied to the fullest. Supposedly, any form of procurement by any section including servicevehicles are reported and handed over to the Board of goods which are then recorded as incominggoods. After it was published as a Proof of Exit Goods distribution documents.

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