Sonny Andri, Meyzi Heriyanto


The purpose of this study is to investigateand analyze the quality of the delivery of services and the aspects that influence the quality ofservice delivery in an integrated licensing on Kantor Pelayanan Perizinan secara Terpadu SatuPintu (KPPTSP) in City Taluk Kuantan District Kuantan Singingi. From the research resultsshowed that the analysis of increasing licensing services held in both categories gain score of81.2%. But still encountered some problems at the implementation level where efforts to improvethe quality of integrated licensing services. Like the example in the provision permitting suchitems timeliness of completion of each license, the fee charged on all items permissions, comfortin the form of provision of facilities and supporting infrastructure, access to technology, hospitalityemployee discipline and licensing services, which should be improved continuously.

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