Lia Damita, Sujianto '


This study aimed to evaluate thepolicy of post-harvest handling of rice plants and identify factors inhibiting the achievement ofpost-harvest handling of rice in this particular relevant institutions in Indragiri Hulu. This researchuses a qualitative approach. Informants from the three agencies and community groups the informantset this study determined that the determination purposively sampled respondents pointed mannerthat is considered capable of providing a variety of data and information on post-harvest handlingpolicy. Data was collected by way of documentation and field research studies. All of the dataobtained will be analyzed by using descriptive qualitative. Based on the survey results revealedthat the results of the evaluation of post-harvest handling of rice policies seen from all dimensionswith good an answer as much as 21.5% this means that. Then the answer is quite as much as 47.9%this means that the implementation is quite good rice harvest handling. There are two factors thatinhibit the implementation of post-harvest handling of rice policy, the first is the lack of motivationof citizens to farm rice. This is because of the choice for gardening and palm oil plantations morepromising result tolerable.

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